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Wednesday, September 5, 2018

Reading Log: What will be filled in

Reading Log
Over the year your goal is to read at least one of the following of each type of book by the month of June. We will be having a reading party at the end of the Year for all of those who are successful.  Your goal is to read for 20 min 5 days a week. When you get finished all of the mandatory reading you may read what ever you would like to as long as every other books is a novel. Please still record what you are reading and answer the questions as we will also be tracking total pages read. 

  • One Novel that is not part of a series.   


  • One Non-Fiction Book (Magazine, How to Book, Field Guide, Video Game Guide Book)
  • A series of books at least 3 in a series. (must be a novel)
Name of Series:_____________________________________________________
  • A Graphic Novel
  • A Children’s Book you have not read before
  • A Newspaper or Magazine Article 
  • One thing you would recommend for others to read

Enjoy your Reading!

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