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Monday, September 17, 2018

Artistic Elements of a Logo

Your job today is to review the artistic elements of your logos from the past few classes. Instead of looking at how they function we are now going to look at how they are made. We will discuss each of these with the Nike Logo and then you will do the same with your groups logos. 

Creative Art Rubric Name:

Looking For
Level 1
Level 2
Level 3
Level 4
Visual Flow
Can't tell what is happening in the work.

Jarring colours or images
Hard to tell what is the purpose of the work

Some distracting colours
Easy to look at images and words compliment each other

Great flow all the elements work together to highlight each other
Colour differences and choices do not work together
Some colour differences and choices do not work together
Colour differences and choices work together
Excellent colour differences and choices.
Copied design from another source. Used same or similar colours
Somewhat of an original idea/design with some new colours
Mostly original idea/design with new colours
Completely original idea/design with new colours
Focal Point
Can not tell what the main focus of the work is.
Hard to tell what is the main focus of the work
Easy to look at main visual draws attention
Main visual draws the viewer in
Words are hard to find or read.
Words take away from artwork
Some struggle to find or read words
Words distract away from artwork
Readable words that do not take away from the artwork
Any included words enhance artwork and draw viewer into art work.

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