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Friday, September 14, 2018

Journal Example From Today

Journal Check List
Do You Have: 
Name date Right corner Yes      No 
Title over the top Yes      No
Indent to start Yes      No
A reflection in each journal Yes      No
Three Journals a Week (one outdoors two of your choice) Yes      No

How is it written?
Needs Improvement
A= What you are going to be talking about

P=Why you think this

E= Proof life or book to back up what you think

C=Ending thought

Grammar and Spelling


Gareth Hussey
September 14th 
Journal Example
When writing a journal, you want to start by reflecting or talking about what the journal is going to be about. (In this journal I am going to talk about how cool foxes are) The you give some proof or another thought to back up your reflection. (Foxes are cool because they have a lot of skills that other animals do not have) You then give an example from a book or your own life to back up what you are saying with your proof. (One time when I was out walking a fox followed me the whole way! It was so quite I didn’t ever realise it was there until I turned around) You then end it by finishing your thought or summarizing what you said. (This is why foxes are so cool! They are super silent more so then other animals and I want to keep learning more about them)

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