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Friday, September 28, 2018

To do Sept 28th

1. Read 20 min
2. Thick/Thin questions
3. What Journal (A.P.E.C.)
4. Start Ricky Definitions and A.P.E.C. question (if time)
5. Reading Log Due Monday
6. Nouns Monday 

Outdoor Week 4: What

In your writing note book please answer one of the following questions based on the theme of what. 

Questions: Please choose one of the following questions to answer. 

1. What is your favorite thing to do outside and why?

2. What might your animal have been doing in the track plate?

3. What might happen to your leaf over the next few weeks? Why?

4. What is one thing you saw today and why was it interesting? 

What Journal- What my Fox was Doing
            My fox was out hunting when it made the tracks on the ground. I would guess this because there are also rabbit tracks near where the fox tracks are and foxes often hunt rabbits. I can tell the fox was hunting because the tracks go from close together to far apart this tells me the fox has gone from walking to running which is a sign of hunting. That is why I believe that the fox was hunting when it made these tracks.

Virus Riddle

Thick vs Thin Day 2

Watch the following two videos and come up with 3 thin and 2 thick questions for each in your writing note book. We will trade and answer questions after in APEC format.

Thursday, September 27, 2018

To do Sept 27th

1. Bring your parents to meet the teacher 6:30-8:00
2. read 20 min
3. Nouns Monday
4. Terry Fox Run Tomorrow

The goal of meet the teacher night is for your parents and guardians to have a chance to see the classroom, what we have been doing so far and to get introduced to me Mr. Hussey. This means that you are going to be in charge of a lot of what happens tonight.  Below is a checklist for you to complete with your parents and guardians while visiting the classroom tonight.

  • Show your parents your desk space, both inside and out. Is it as clean as you would like it to be?  Circle YES or NO

  • Have a look at your news paper as a family. Read your family the part you are most proud of.

  • Show them the art and music work we have been doing, explain to them what each is and how we have been doing them.

  • Tell them one thing you have learnt in math or science this year. Write that thing down here: __________________________________________________________________________________________________________

  • Find your about me Jersey and explain what you put on it and why.

  • Take your family to the discovery box. Read the clues and guess as a family what is in the box. Write your guess here. _______________________________________________

  • Introduce your parents to our class fish, What are their names again? Write them here ______________, ________________, ___________________, ________________.   

  • Show your parents the class blog, find one lesson and share it with them. Write the name of that lesson here: _____________________________________________________

  • Introduce your family to Mr.Hussey, if you have any questions for him write them down here so he can answer them. If they want to meet to ask in depth questions about your learning so far please have them call or e-mail and we can set up a longer time so he can answer all your questions in depth. This can either be over the phone or in person. ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

  • Take the scholastic flyers and letter off the back table before you go. Remember Mr. Hussey is collecting your reading logs tomorrow!

Read Aloud: Ricky

Ricky Read Aloud
For this assignment we will be doing a class read aloud of Ricky. Each reading will be accompanied by questions to answer. I will be marking the booklet, the mid way assignment and the final assignment. Each week we will be reading 40 pages as a class.   

I will check your booklet for completion every Thursday to make sure you have done all the required work. 

Week 1
CP 1-3

Week 2
CP 6-7

 Solve a Problem Assigned 
Week 3
CP 12-13

Week 4
CP 16-17
DUE: One Page and Solve a Problem

Week 5
Final Assignment- Present on Monday of week 6

Week 6 
Final Project Presentations

RICKY booklet check list- Success Criteria
Week 1
  • All short answer questions are answered
  • All long answer questions are complete
  • Any additional work is complete
  • All Definitions are filled in 
  • Care is taken with work
  • Correct spelling, grammar and punctuation is used
Week 2
  • All short answer questions are answered
  • All long answer questions are complete
  • Any additional work is complete
  • All Definitions are filled in 
  • Care is taken with work
  • Correct spelling, grammar and punctuation is used
Week 3
  • All short answer questions are answered
  • All long answer questions are complete
  • Any additional work is complete
  • All Definitions are filled in 
  • Care is taken with work
  • Correct spelling, grammar and punctuation is used
Week 4
  • All short answer questions are answered
  • All long answer questions are complete
  • Any additional work is complete
  • All Definitions are filled in 
  • Care is taken with work
  • Correct spelling, grammar and punctuation is used

Wednesday, September 26, 2018

Get to Know Eric Walters

Your Job: To research Eric Walters and be able to tell the class about him.  

Include the Following:

  • Where he grew up
  • Jobs he had
  • Where he lives now
  • Books he has written (Name 5 – tell what they are about)
  • Why he is a writer
  • Things he has done outside of writing

Success Criteria: I will be looking at this and an oral speaking rubric
  • Include Visuals: pictures 
  • All questions are answered and Readable
  • You may use both sides of the chart
  • Everyone has a turn to speak (when presenting)
  • All members of the group work to complete the task

Tuesday, September 25, 2018

Meet the Teacher.

This is just a quick reminder that we will have meet the teacher this Thursday after school. It is very informal, a chance to stop by see the room, a few things we have been working on and ask questions if you have them. 

It will run from 6:30-8:00

Thank you 

- Mr. H

Sunday, September 23, 2018

Math Review

Here are the pictures from our math take up from the other day. Enjoy your PA day tomorrow.

Grade 4

Grade 5

Friday, September 21, 2018

To do Sept 21st

1. Take home math review to show parents- study
2. Science - Grade 4's pg 9-12 Grade 5's Nervous system and Digestive System
3. Read for 20 min- Reading log
4. Scholastic due online by midnight tonight
5. PA day Monday
6. Toonie for Terry or Five for Fox
7. Meet the teacher-Thursday
8. Human Body recording sheet

Thursday, September 20, 2018

To do Sept 20th

1. Math review work for tomorrow
2. Math checkpoint-Tuesday
3. Read 
4. Toonie for Terry or Five for Fox
5. Scholastic Due Tomorrow
6. Human Body Tracking Page Tuseday

Wednesday, September 19, 2018

To do Sept 19th

1. Math: Grade 5   Work Sheet all questions  Grade 4 Pg 47 1,2,3 pg 50 1,2 Text book 

2. Read 20min

3. Check for knowledge math- Friday

4. Scholastic - Friday 

5. PA day Monday

6. Toonie for Terry or 5 for Fox

Art Examples For Rubric

Visual Flow


Focal Point


Tuesday, September 18, 2018

1. Human body recording sheet-  Sept 25th next Tuesday
2. Read 20 min
3. Random Paragraphs- Tomorrow
4. Scholastic Due Friday

Week 3: Outdoors Who?

Who Journal- Example

            When I look at the track that I found today I believe that I have found a fox track. It looks like a fox track because it looks similar to a dog but is smaller. The reason I think it is a fox and not a Coyote is because when I look on page 47 of Wild animal Tracks of Ontario I found that the fox track is 4cm wide while the coyote is 6 cm wide and this track is 4cm wide. That is why I believe this is a fox track.

My Random Paragraphs

My Random Paragraphs

Whens Lunch

I love putty

Success Criteria

Two full paragraphs with APEC

Paragraph one is on When is Lunch

Paragraph two is on I love putty

They need to be connected by transition sentences.  


I like cake

Man I really like cake. I like cake because it is really sweet. There are a lot of different types of cake out there, my favorite type of cake is the one that my mom makes. My mom makes cakes with many different flavours throughout all the layers. You can have cake on many different occasions.

I like soccer

One time you can have cake is after winning a soccer championship. A few days ago my team won our soccer Championship and it was so cool! We went out to dairy queen after and my coach bought me a big slice of ice cream cake because I was the star goalie. I really like playing soccer with my friends.

I like slime

Slime is one of my favorite things to play with. I enjoy playing with slime because I can form it into anything that I want to. I also really enjoy it because it feels weird between my fingers. Slime is super satisfying to play with because it is very squishy.

I like squishies
Another thing that is satisfying to play with are squishies. Squishies are fun to play with because they make cool sounds when you squish them. I also really like how they feel. This is why I like to play with squishies.

Grade 5's Transitions Between Paragraphs

Today we are looking at transition from one paragraph to the next. The video above explains a few ways we can do this. 

Math Man!

click on the link to give Math Man! a try MATH MAN!

Monday, September 17, 2018

Artistic Elements of a Logo

Your job today is to review the artistic elements of your logos from the past few classes. Instead of looking at how they function we are now going to look at how they are made. We will discuss each of these with the Nike Logo and then you will do the same with your groups logos. 

Creative Art Rubric Name:

Looking For
Level 1
Level 2
Level 3
Level 4
Visual Flow
Can't tell what is happening in the work.

Jarring colours or images
Hard to tell what is the purpose of the work

Some distracting colours
Easy to look at images and words compliment each other

Great flow all the elements work together to highlight each other
Colour differences and choices do not work together
Some colour differences and choices do not work together
Colour differences and choices work together
Excellent colour differences and choices.
Copied design from another source. Used same or similar colours
Somewhat of an original idea/design with some new colours
Mostly original idea/design with new colours
Completely original idea/design with new colours
Focal Point
Can not tell what the main focus of the work is.
Hard to tell what is the main focus of the work
Easy to look at main visual draws attention
Main visual draws the viewer in
Words are hard to find or read.
Words take away from artwork
Some struggle to find or read words
Words distract away from artwork
Readable words that do not take away from the artwork
Any included words enhance artwork and draw viewer into art work.