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Thursday, October 25, 2018

Sharing Days

Sharing Days

This year as part of our oral speaking program we will be doing sharing days. The goal of sharing days is  to practice our oral speaking skills on subjects that we already know a lot about. These are days where the students will be asked to bring in something to share either about themselves or on a topic of my choosing.  For example the first sharing day will be on and item the students have at home that they are proud of or is unique to them.

Other topics we will share about include but are not limited to:
  • Family artifact or tradition
  • The students favorite celebrity or hero
  • A hobby that they can teach us about
  • Items they have on their bucket list
  • And more!

I will be marking each of these presentations using the oral speaking rubric that I posted on the Block and September and is attached below. Each time a new presentation comes about I will model to the class what is expected and give a week long period for the first presenters to get ready. Each presentation is expected to last between 3 to 10 minutes and will take place on day 5.  We will be doing four presentations per day meaning that each student will present about once every two months. before any presentations we will create a schedule as a class that is rotating so the same students will not go first each time and students will know the date they are presenting on.

Thank you,
Gareth Hussey

My presentation date is:___________________________

Oral Speaking Rubric Name:

Looking For
Level 1
Level 2
Level 3
Level 4
Appropriate Volume

Knows what they are saying

Emotion and Interest in voice

Clear Voice

Does not stare at screen or paper when presenting (somewhat memorized)

Avoids the use of like or umm

Looks comfortable speaking in front of the class

Uses body language to show interest in what is being said


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