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Monday, October 1, 2018

Pre Reading: Read Aloud

Name: __________________
If you could have anything for a pet, what would you have? Why? 
What is the last thing you do before you leave for school each morning? 
How do you get to school each 
Have you ever had an 
experience with a pet that left 
you frightened? 
Ask classmates to respond and find someone who has the same answer or answers and write it in the box beside your answer. 

What do you think is about to happen? 
Why did you make that prediction? 
Were you right or do you have to make adjustments to your prediction? 

Use the starting sentencing, think of three people in the classroom or school and write an appreciation statement for them.
I like it when…
I admire you for… 
It is great when you…
In small groups record the key things you appreciate and make have one person record them onto the given poster. 

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