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Tuesday, October 30, 2018

To do October 30th

1. Math Grade 5: Page 18,19 Q 3,4,6

Math Grade 4: Page 7 Q 5,6, Page 9 4

2. Ricky Due: Friday

3. Reading Log Due: Friday

4. Sharing Presentations week 1: Friday 

5. Show parents Halloween Note

Happy Halloween

Success Criteria: Paragraph Writing

5 Paragraph Editing Checklist/Success Criteria

Name:___________________ Topic:_____________

Looking For:
Self Edit
Paragraph 1 - Introduction

There is a thesis statement (topic sentence) that answers the question.

The three things you are going to talk more about are listed

Correct punctuation

Begins with an Indent

All sentences begin with a capital

Words are spelled correctly

Paragraph 2,3,4 - Body

There is a transition sentence to start each paragraph

The three supports are present

Correct punctuation

Begins with an Indent

All sentences begin with a capital

Words are spelled correctly

Paragraph 5- Conclusion

Topic is restated

The three things are re-listed again, a final sentence in present

Correct punctuation

Begins with an Indent

All sentences begin with a capital

Words are spelled correctly

Other Look Fors

Correct Spelling and Grammar

Correct punctuation

Spaces Between punctuation and words

Title Size Between 18-24

Font size Between 11-14

Black font used

Paragraph Editing Checklist/Success Criteria (Grade 4)

Looking For:
Self Edit
Paragraph Editing

There is a thesis statement (topic sentence) that answers the question.

Begins with an Indent

All sentences begin with a capital

There is a transition Word to start each paragraph

The three supports are present.

A final sentence in present

Other Look Fors

Correct Spelling and Grammar

Correct punctuation

Spaces Between punctuation and words

Title Size Between 18-24

Font size Between 11-14

Black font used

Editing Checklist Handed In

Halloween Note

As you know tomorrow is Halloween. Our class will be having a Halloween party at the end of the day from 2 until 2:50.  During this party snacks will be provided and the movie The Incredibles will be played. If students wish to bring other snacks welcome to do so but not required to do so.  The snack they bring should be an extra snack for themselves for this occasion due to allergies and healthy food rules in the York Region District School Board. This snack must be nut free.

Sadly  I will not be there as my wife's grandfather recently passed away and we will be attending his funeral in New Brunswick on that day.  Halloween is one of my favorite days and I wish all the students in my class A happy and fun filled Halloween and I am excited to hear how the trick or treating and other Halloween activities went upon my return.

Happy Halloween!
Mr. Hussey

Solveing Problems With Patterns

Solve in your math notebook. 

Monday, October 29, 2018

Math Oct 29th

Grade 4

Grade 5

To do Oct 29th

1. Math: Grade 4 Page 21 Q:1-4

Math: Grade 5 page 14-15 Q 2-4

2. Read

3. Halloween Party Wed

4. Scholastic Due Thursday

5. Reading logs Friday- One response completed

Ricky Look Fors

Ricky Look Fors: Handing in Reading Work

  1. Complete
  2. Correct Answers and Proof from the book (thin)
  3. Full A.P.E.C. ( Thick Questions)
  4. Care is Taken (Detail)
  5. Full Definitions


Sunday, October 28, 2018

Problem of the Week

Grade 4/5 question

Extra Question

Blog/Ricky Update

My computer has had some issues this weekend. Because of this Ricky has not been able to load. I will load it at school tomorrow. Extra time will be given to complete it. 

 Mr. H 

To do October 26th

1. Read
2. Sci Work- Grade 4 food webs
3. Grade 5- Chart on google classroom
4. Class Presentations
5. Math tests signed Grade 4/5
6.Scholastic Due Nov 1st
7. Ricky Due Tuesday Chapters 6-11

Thursday, October 25, 2018

Sharing Days

Sharing Days

This year as part of our oral speaking program we will be doing sharing days. The goal of sharing days is  to practice our oral speaking skills on subjects that we already know a lot about. These are days where the students will be asked to bring in something to share either about themselves or on a topic of my choosing.  For example the first sharing day will be on and item the students have at home that they are proud of or is unique to them.

Other topics we will share about include but are not limited to:
  • Family artifact or tradition
  • The students favorite celebrity or hero
  • A hobby that they can teach us about
  • Items they have on their bucket list
  • And more!

I will be marking each of these presentations using the oral speaking rubric that I posted on the Block and September and is attached below. Each time a new presentation comes about I will model to the class what is expected and give a week long period for the first presenters to get ready. Each presentation is expected to last between 3 to 10 minutes and will take place on day 5.  We will be doing four presentations per day meaning that each student will present about once every two months. before any presentations we will create a schedule as a class that is rotating so the same students will not go first each time and students will know the date they are presenting on.

Thank you,
Gareth Hussey

My presentation date is:___________________________

Oral Speaking Rubric Name:

Looking For
Level 1
Level 2
Level 3
Level 4
Appropriate Volume

Knows what they are saying

Emotion and Interest in voice

Clear Voice

Does not stare at screen or paper when presenting (somewhat memorized)

Avoids the use of like or umm

Looks comfortable speaking in front of the class

Uses body language to show interest in what is being said

1. Read
2. Ricky
3. Grade 5- Get math test signed
4. Hand in Science Slides on Google Classroom
5. Reading Log October 31st
6. Scholastic Due Nov 1st
7. Sharing Presentation- Check Google Classroom 

Wednesday, October 24, 2018

To do October 24th

1. Math Page if not done
2. Get Ricky Signed
3. Terry Fox Grade 4- Due tomorrow
 5 Paragraphs Grade 5 - Due tomorrow
4. Read
5. Have an amazing night!

Tuesday, October 23, 2018

Climate Change: What is it?

With your group use the videos below to answer these questions. You may break it up into one or two questions per person or work to answer them all as a group. We will discuss as a class at the end of the period. You may also use google to answer questions.

  • -  What is climate change?
  • -  What is the difference between climate
    and weather?
  • -  What causes climate change?
  • -  What impact does climate change have
    on the environment?
  • -  Why should we care about climate
  • List some animals affected by climate change.
  • What are some human actions that can reduce the effects on climate change.
  • What are human actions that negatively affect climate change.  (make it worse)

Dance: Story Through Movement

Today we will be continuing what we started last week on Friday. 

Creating a fairy tale with our partner that is set in a class and runs for 30 seconds- 1min. 

remember this has no talking. 

Think about how you can use body language to tell your story.

To do October 23rd

1. Math- see blog post for questions (tomorrow)

2. Lit- Grade 4 Terry Fox paragraph- Thursday

Grade 5- 5 Paragraphs- Thursday

3. Read

4. Get Ricky Mark Signed 

5. Take your class outside day tomorrow

Grade 4- Math 

Grade 5- Math 

Monday, October 22, 2018

Problem of The Week: Grade 5

An Almost Clean Sweep

 In July, Minh’s family spends the month at their cottage. On July 1 st, Minh swept up 80 g of sand. a) If Minh continues sweeping up 80 g of sand each day, how many kg of sand will Minh sweep up after 7 days?

 b) How much sand, in kg, will Minh sweep up by the end of July?

 c) Actually, Minh’s broom is faulty. Alas, about a tenth of the sand ends up unswept. How much sand in total will Minh sweep up over the family’s month at the cottage?

Problem of The Week: Grade 4

Age Action

 Marty is ten years old. His grandfather is seven times his age. Marty’s mother is half the age of his grandfather.

A) How old is Marty’s mother?

B) How many decades old is Marty’s grandfather?

Friday, October 19, 2018

Outside Day Writing Reflection October 19th

 Choose one of the following to write about in a full hamburger paragraph ( Thesis, 3 supports, Conclusion) Like we did for Terry Fox

   Q1. Tell me if you enjoyed the leaf rubbing and why or why not.
    Q2. Tell me about one of the three mushrooms we found. ( Shaggy Mane, Puffball or Ink Well) Think about what it looks like, what it feels like, what you can do with it.

Q3. Create 3 thick and 5 thin questions on either the mushrooms or the leaves for Tuesday

To do October 19th

1.  Writing response to outside day:choose one of the three questions to answer. 

2. P.A. day Monday

3. Paragraph writing due: Wednesday (5 pgh Grade 5) (Terry Fox Grade 4)

Thursday, October 18, 2018

1. Math
Grade 4’s
Grade 5’s
You are to make 3 patterns with 10 terms each.

1 growing pattern

1 shrinking pattern and

1 repeating pattern

Make them as challenging as you can.
You are to make an input/output machine question.

You need to have 10 in and 10 out

Extra points if your machine has two operations in it.

2. Ideas- White duo tang (if not done from yesterday)

3. Pa day Monday