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Monday, May 27, 2019

Drama- Plays

Drama Mini Play Assignment

End Goal: For you and your group to put on a present a play to others in the class and possibly visiting parents.
This will take place the last week of June.

Success Criteria/Expectations: Presentation
Success Criteria/Expectations: Written Work
  • Lines memorized by the first week of June
  • Plan and Bring in your own props and costumes by June 11th
  • Work with your group to create the play and not to be off task as this will disrupt the whole group
  • Make the character believable- Emotion, actions and voice that would suit them and sound real.
  • Dress rehearsal will be the second last week of june

  • Each person needs to create a Biography and Character Drawing with a props and costume list
  • As a group answer the assigned questions
  • Complete a self and group review

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