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Sunday, January 6, 2019

Welcome Back/Resoultions

Welcome back everyone! It is great to see you all! I hope you all had a wonderful break and are ready for 2019! To start we are going to learn what each other got up to this break and make some New Years Resolutions.

Please start by answering each of the following with a full APEC paragraph in your writing notebook.

  1. Tell me about your winter break
    1. One thing fun you did
    2. One thing you accomplished or achieved
    3. One book or series you started reading (and what it is about)
    4. One Simple thing that you want to be able to do or achieve this year ( 2-3 sentences that you can post in the class)

Mr. Hussey's Example

Classroom Resolutions Lesson:

  1. Tell me about your winter break
    1. One thing fun you did
One fun thing I did over the break was I got to have a board game night.  The boards game night was held on my birthday and me and my wife went down to a friend's house in Toronto where he hosted a bunch of us to play board games and Nintendo. While there we played a lot of cool games like Stuff Happens and the Tiny Hands Challenge, I also got to try the new Smash Brothers game for the first time. This was the fun thing I did over my break.

  1. One thing your accomplished or achieved
Over the break I completed renovations on our main floor. This means we now have  a proper dining room, kitchen, and sitting area on our main floor. This is a big deal because when we moved in we knew the house needed a lot of work, in fact the sitting area and dining room we're also a kitchen and study so we have spent a lot of time redoing are main floor taking out walls and putting in new furniture.  I feel very accomplished because this has been an ongoing project for a few years now.

  1. One book or series you started reading (and what it is about)
One book series that I started reading over the break was the Mortal Engine series by Philip Reeve.  I bought the first two books using some of the gift card money that the class gave me, I also bought a series of books called the track series which I hope to share with you in May and June. the Mortal Engine books are well-written and have a futuristic story about cities that are built on tank tracks and are constantly moving, destroying and eating other cities.  The stories follow a young boy named Tom who is learning that some people still live on Earth surface I want to protect it from the moving cities. Overall I have enjoyed these books and thank you will too.
  1. One Simple thing that you want to be able to do or achieve this year ( 2-3 sentences that you can post in the class)

My resolution for the New Year is to sleep better in December and over the break I found myself going to sleep late and waking up early. I want to go to sleep early so that I can be have lots of energy for the next day. I think this will help with my teaching and my coaching.

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