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Wednesday, January 23, 2019

Music Composition Assignment

Composition Assignment
In this assignment, students will be asked to create a short composition using bucket drums.  Students will be asked to hand write their composition. A minimum of two periods of class time will be given to review proper notation, rhythm, and to answer questions students may have.  The goal of the assignment is to appreciate their own musical skills using both critical and creative thinking.
  1. Compose a piece of music that is at least 4 bars in length for bucket drumming;
  2. Write a  time signature, instrument, title, and your name;
  3. Whole, Half, Quarter, Eighth Notes, Sticks, and equivalent Rests may be used;
  4. Be sure rhythm matches the appropriate time signature;
  5. Label what hand you would like the player to hit the drum with
Level 4
Level 3
Level 2
Level 1
Knowledge &
All notes are written neatly using proper notation.
All measures have the correct # of beats and a variety of notes and rhythms are used.
Most notes are written neatly using proper notation.
75% of measures have the correct # of beats and a couple notes and rhythms are used.
Some notes are written neatly using proper notation.
60% of measures have the correct # of beats and a couple different notes are used.
Very few notes are written neatly using proper notation.
0-50% of measures have the correct # of beats and 1 or 2 different notes are used.
The composition was very creative, clean/ easy to read, and included all required elements.
The composition was creative, clean/easy to read, and included most of the required elements.
The composition was somewhat creative, somewhat easy to read, and included some of the required elements.
The composition was somewhat creative, difficult to read, and included little of the required elements.
Score is very neat and all required elements are included: Title, Composer, Instrument, and Time Signature.

Striking hand is included
Score is neat and most of the required elements are included.

Striking hand is often included
Score is somewhat neat and some of the required elements are included.

Striking hand is sometimes included
Score is messy and little of the required elements are included.

Striking hand is not included
Knowledge and skills (concepts, strategies, process, and techniques) can be transferred to new contexts.
Most knowledge and skills can be transferred to new contexts.
Some knowledge and skills can be transferred to new contexts.
Little knowledge and skills can be transferred to new contexts.

Bucket Drumming Rubric- Playing

Level 1
Level 2
Level 3
Level 4

Lacked consistent tempo.
Tempo difficulties throughout performance.
Slight tempo imbalance during performance.
Steady tempo throughout entire performance.
Performance has many errors.
Several errors causing a disruption to the rhythmic flow.  
Very few rhythmic inaccuracies; mistakes were not distracting to the overall composition.
All rhythm patterns were played without mistake and with confidence.
(rhythmic notation, time signature, beats per measure)
Off time with music
Off time with some music
On correct time most of the time
Correct throughout the entire piece of music
Use of Class time
Has trouble focusing in class and rehearsing respecting others and the instruments
Focuses sometimes. Needs reminders to listen
On tasks and rehearses well most of the time
On task all the time uses rehearsal time well.


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