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Wednesday, November 7, 2018

Math Terms Grade 4

Grade 4: Math Review Patterns Terms

In your notebooks define and Give an example of each term.

  • Pattern
A group of numbers or Items that grows,shrinks or repeats. Ex 2,4,6,8,10

  • Pattern Rule
When you describe what is happening in a pattern and how. Ex. Start at three and add three each time

  • Core
A core is the part of a pattern that repeats. Ex. 2,4,6 2,4,6 Core=2,4,6
  • Growing Pattern
A group of numbers that increases each time.  Ex. 4,8,12,16
  • Shrinking Pattern
A pattern where the number decreases each time. Ex.  30,20,10
  • Repeating Pattern
A pattern where the same numbers or items repeat over and over again. Ex. 1,2,3,1,2,3

  • Equation
A number sentence that shows two things are equal. Ex. 2+3=5

  • Dual Sided Equation
An equation where you add or subtract numbers on each side of the = sign Ex. 3+3=4+2  

  • List of terms to describe a pattern
Start at

  • Term
A place of a number or Item in a pattern. Ex 1,2,3 Term 3 is 3

  • Sum

The answer to a addition or subtraction question. Ex 4+4=8 eight is the sum.

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