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Thursday, August 30, 2018

To do Sept 4th

To do 

1. Show parents the blog
2. Mr. Hussey note Signed and Returned 
2. School Forms Signed and Returned
3. All about me filled in on blog
4. Parent form filled in on blog

Musical Rules!

I have posted some expectations in the classroom for our year. We are now going to watch the four classic movie videos, each one has at least one message or rule that we can use to have a successful year and classroom.

Your Job: With your group watch these videos. While watching come up with the rule or message for each and how we can apply it to our school year.

Tuesday, August 28, 2018

What Every Teacher Should Know About ME!

Please fill this in tonight while you show your parents our blog. -Mr. H

Parent Contact

Parent Contact Information

Welcome to our classroom blog. 

This will be my primary means of communicating with you about what is happening in the class each day. On the top right corner of the page, you can subscribe to our blog and receive a daily email between 3 and 5 pm directly to your email. Before the students leave at the end of the day, the students and I will complete a blog entry indicating all homework, upcoming assignments, and important events happening at our school.

Please be aware that we are also going to be using google classroom to schedule work on and hand in assignments. The more trees and less "I forgot it at school or home" the better. Google Classroom allows students and their parents to get calendars with due dates, rubrics, work examples and much more at home and on the go. In our class we will use technology to expand our minds not escape from work that needs to be done. 

On the blog and/or our google classroom I will be posting a great deal of useful information, such as:
  • homework assignments
  • assessment information (how work is being marked)
  • learning goals for literacy and math
  • links to provide students with extra practice
  • texts (videos, readings etc.) for students to enrich class discussions and activities 
  • links to all online tools we will be using in class

I will use Blogger for my daily instructions, and Google Classroom as my main way of assigning and collecting work. For big ideas, daily to-do's and over views of assignments check out the blog. For assignments, how work will be assessed, comments/edits, daily discussions and nitty gritty please check Google Classroom.

I would also like to compile email addresses for the parents/guardians in the class, so that I can occasionally send out group emails about important events, projects, etc. You can click on the link below to fill in the contact information of up to two people for each student:

If you need to contact me, my board email address or call the school at 905-292-0530 

Thank you for taking the time to fill out this form. I'm looking forward to a great year!

Homework, Technology, Work Policies, Outdoor Days

Homework, Technology, Work Policies, Outdoor Days
Dear Parents and Guardians,

          Over the course of this year the students in our room will have a few weekly tasks to keep on top of as well as different assignments.

          The first of these is the Homework Policy. Most of our work will be completed in class; in order to stay on track for the year whatever is not completed will need to be completed for homework. Homework is expected to be complete by the assigned due date. Everyday at the end of literacy we will be filling in our Agendas following the agenda checklist in our room and making sure we have a stamp to show we have completed our work. We will also be using a class blog where daily To Do Lists, Extra Copies of Assignments, Success Criteria and Parts of Lessons will be posted. This blog is able to send and Automatic email to you every day between 3-5pm if you go to and fill in the e-mail section on this page.  To start the year, I do not require parents to sign the agenda nightly, if students have trouble completing homework then this becomes an expectation.

          Technology is welcome in my class as long as it is being used appropriately. When learning we use technology to expand our minds. This means, to create, research, complete work, manage a calendar etc.  The classroom does have a number of laptops and netbooks the students can use but is they wish to bring in a device from home to work on they may as long as it is being used appropriately and it is a time when we need it. If they are using it for, games, videos, texing etc. then they will lose the right to have it our in class.

          During the school year the students will have a variety of, assignments, tests and presentations to complete as well as learning skill reviews. Each time one of these goes home it is expected to be returned to school signed. If this does not happen students will need to stay in at recess to write themselves a reminder note. If it does not get returned two days in a row a phone call will be made home.

          We will also be doing some weekly work throughout the year that will complement what we are doing in class. This work will be introduced over the first month and will include, A Reading Log (checked every Monday) Grammar Pages 2-3 a week, extra math pages as needed, Both the grammar and math will be due on Friday, and every Thursday we will be doing a vocabulary test. This is similar to a spelling test but the students are given the words and must tell me the definition and use of the words. These tasks will either be completed in class during free work time or at home for homework.

          Finally every Friday we will be spending time outside this year, this time will be directly linked to our environmental education curriculum and include, literacy, Art, Drama, Dance, Science, Social Studies and DPA time. Some of the activities we will be doing are Journaling, Photography, Team Building, Map Making and Wilderness skills. We will avoid going out if the weather is not cooperating. Please make sure students are dressing appropriately.

If there are any concerns or questions about the above do not hesitate to contact me.



Thank you very much,

Gareth Hussey

Some supplies students will need for our year.
-       Pencil case
-       Eraser
-       Markers
-       Pencil Crayons
-       Calculator
-       Math Kit
-       Ruler

Please Keep the above and sign and return below the Line.
Cut Here

I have read and agree to the above (Parent Name)__________________________________
Parent Signature______________________________________________________

Student Name________________________________________________________

Welcome Back

Welcome Back!

        I am excited to work with all of you and to be back at Moraine Hills! I am very excited to be on this grade 4/5 journey with you.  This past summer was a very different one for me, normally I spend my summers outside hiking, canoeing, gardening, and training for obstacle course races. Due however to hip reconstruction surgery I had to spend my summer sitting or crutching around. This allowed me to see some more of the little things and notice things I may not have noticed otherwise as traveling on crutches makes you move a fair bit slower. I was able to see and appreciate people and nature in a whole different way. I should also say I am an Uncle my first Nephew Aidan Leo was born August 25th!

      Since I will be learning about you I thought it would be only fair if you learn something about me.  I am the youngest of two children having only an older sister.  As a child my largest influences were nature, reading, and of course sports. My biggest influence during my teenage years were my experiences at camp. From working at a summer camp, I discovered I wanted to be a teacher and I loved spending time in the great outdoors. Most of my down time right now is either spent learning all I can about being a teacher or working on my hip recovery so I can get back to all the activities I love.

      Our class quote for the year is “If you believe in the future plant an oak tree”. This year we will be planting seeds of knowledge, hope, experience and inspiration that may just be budding now but can grow through all our future years. I am very excited to be mobile and off my crutches and explore this upcoming year with you, let’s make the next 200 days great!

Mr. Gareth Hussey