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Monday, February 4, 2019

Dissecting a Summary Before our Rough Copy

            Many animals have developed adaptations over time to help them survive and thrive.
Some animals use camouflage to blend into their surroundings. This makes it easier for
them to avoid predators and for carnivores to find food to eat. The ghost fish, for
example, is able to sneak up on prey because its head is almost clear. Other animals
take over the brains and bodies of a host animal to survive. One type of
fungus takes over an ant’s brain and forces the ant to go under a damp leaf where the
fungus can easily grow. Finally, some species use strong sounds or smells to scare
away potential predators. Tasmanian devils use both a terrible odor and a loud
screeching sound to survive and thrive. Overall, different species have some pretty
interesting and unique adaptations!

Your Job: 

Circle the introduction sentence in Red 

Underline B and B+ in Green

Underline C and C+ in Orange

Underline D and D+ in Blue

Circle the conclusion in Red

Circle each transition word in Yellow

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