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Friday, December 14, 2018

My Love of Reading: Oral Presentation # 2

My Love of Reading

For our second oral presentation of the year you will be presenting on your love of reading. For this you will be bringing in 3-5 books that you love to read and explaining why they are your favorite books. Again we will be doing only four presentations a week and will take turns presenting.

For this presentation you will be scripting an introduction, that you will need to know before the presentation. You will have some time to work on this in class but will have to practice at home as well.  Again you presentation should be 3-10 minutes.

Presentation Date:_________________________

My Introduction Plan:

Hook:( How I will catch the listeners attention) (1-2 sentences)

Example: What is the thing you remember most from being a little kid? The games you played, the places you went or the stories you read. Raise your hand if you can think of at least one story you read as a kid.

What I will be talking about: ( Introduce your topic list the 3-4 things you will be talking about and give a hint as to why)

Example: Today I'm going to be talking about some of those books. I  I'm going to tell you about some books that stuck with me, ones I read as a little kid, ones that I read as I got older and some that I can never put down and keep coming back to. let's start by looking at a book that I used to read as a kid.



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