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Thursday, December 20, 2018

To do Dec 20th

1. Social Studies Grade 5 due tomorrow
2. Letter due tomorrow
3. Holiday Party-Tomorrow must be nut free
4. Read

Have a great night!

Wednesday, December 19, 2018

holiday party


This is just a reminder of our holiday party on Friday. Students have been asked to bring in something traditional that they eat around this time of year to share with at least 5 people in the class they are of course welcome to bring in more to share with everyone. If there is interest in specific food but not a lot to go around what has been done in the past is to cut it into smaller pieces so that everyone may try a little bit. I have been asked about wearing traditional clothing to go along with their food and students are more then welcome to do this as well. As always the food must be nut and peanut free. As we do have allergies in our class. Thank you and happy holidays!

Mr. Hussey

To do Dec 19th

1. Read
2. Good Letter Due Friday 
3. Grade 5 Social Studies Due Friday
4. Holiday Party Friday (Nut Free Snacks Please!)

Have a Great Night!

Tuesday, December 18, 2018

To do Dec 18th

1. Read
2. Good Letter Due Friday 
3. Grade 4 Social Studies quiz tomorrow (review study guide)
4. Grade 5 Social Studies Due Friday
5. Holiday Party Friday (Nut Free Snacks Please!)
6. Crazy Hat Day Tomorrow!

Have a Great Night :)

Mode: Grade 4

The mode of a set of observations is the value that occurs most frequently in the set. A set of observations may have no mode, one mode or more than one mode.
Find the mode of the following set of scores.
14 11 15 9 11 15 11 7 13 12
The mode is 11 because 11 occurred more times than the other numbers
If the observations are given in the form of a frequency table, the mode is the value that has the highest frequency.
Note: You can have no mode if numbers appear an equal amount of times. 

Monday, December 17, 2018

To do Dec 17th

1. Read
2. Work Signed
3. Math Grade 4's Median Page, Grade 5's Q 1,2 pg 184
4. Grade 4's social studies quiz Wed
5. Good copy letter due Friday

Have a Great Night!

Median: Grade 4

Median: The middle of a set of numbers or values. 

If the number of values is Odd then the Median is the middle of the set of values.

15, 14, 10, 8, 12, 8, 16

First we arrange the numbers in numerical Order: 

1. 8, 8, 10, 12, 14, 15, 16

Second we find the middle number. Since there are seven numbers the median is the middle position. Therefore the median is 12. 

2. 8, 8, 10, 12, 14, 15, 16

If the number of values is Even however the Median becomes the average of the two middle values. 

15, 14, 10, 8, 12, 8, 16, 13

First we put them in numerical order. 

8, 8, 10, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16

Next we realize that the number of points here is equal so we have to find what number comes between the two middle points. The two middle points are 12 and 13. We can look at them and either realize that 12.5 is between them or we can add a divide by 2 to get the average. 

Friday, December 14, 2018

To Do Dec 14th

1. Read
2. Work Signed
3. Math Quiz After the Break
4. Grade 4 Provinces/Territories Quiz Wed
5. Holiday Party Next Friday

Have a wonderful Weekend :) 

My Love of Reading: Oral Presentation # 2

My Love of Reading

For our second oral presentation of the year you will be presenting on your love of reading. For this you will be bringing in 3-5 books that you love to read and explaining why they are your favorite books. Again we will be doing only four presentations a week and will take turns presenting.

For this presentation you will be scripting an introduction, that you will need to know before the presentation. You will have some time to work on this in class but will have to practice at home as well.  Again you presentation should be 3-10 minutes.

Presentation Date:_________________________

My Introduction Plan:

Hook:( How I will catch the listeners attention) (1-2 sentences)

Example: What is the thing you remember most from being a little kid? The games you played, the places you went or the stories you read. Raise your hand if you can think of at least one story you read as a kid.

What I will be talking about: ( Introduce your topic list the 3-4 things you will be talking about and give a hint as to why)

Example: Today I'm going to be talking about some of those books. I  I'm going to tell you about some books that stuck with me, ones I read as a little kid, ones that I read as I got older and some that I can never put down and keep coming back to. let's start by looking at a book that I used to read as a kid.



Thursday, December 13, 2018

To do Dec 13th

1. Read
2. Rough Letter Tomorrow- end of class
3. Order Kindness Shirts
4. French Poster Due Monday


Bucket Drumming #4

Wednesday, December 12, 2018

To do Dec 12th

1. Read
2. Outdoor day tomorrow
3. Rough letter Friday 
4. Class Party Dec 21st

Monday, December 10, 2018

To do Dec 10th

1. Read
2. Math Project Due end of class Wed
3. Brain storm page Mayor Letter
4. Twin Day Wed

Have a Wonderful Night!!

Sick Fish Update

I have taken our sick fish home to help heal him. Right now I have set him up in his own aquarium and he spends a lot of time on the bottom. The good news is that he is eating a little and starting to swim around. I will keep you all updated.

Mr. H

Sunday, December 9, 2018

Friday, December 7, 2018

To do Dec 7th

1. Read
2. Grade 4 Provinces and Territories Handout- Monday
3. Math Done by the end of class wed
4. Wed Dec 12th Twin day (dress as your best friend)

Ted Ed

Canada's Provinces and Territories

Thursday, December 6, 2018

To do Dec 6th

1. Read
2. Rough copy letter tomorrow
3. Social Studies Grade 4 tomorrow

The National Day of Remembrance and Action on Violence against Women

The National Day of Remembrance and Action on Violence against Women

On December 6, 1989, 13 female students and a female administrator at l'École Polytechnique de Montréal were murdered because they were women. The shocking impact of their deaths led Parliament to designate December 6 as a national day of remembrance. Nearly 30 years later, the effects of this tragedy continue to be felt and women remain targets because of their gender.
The National Day of Remembrance and Action on Violence against Women is about remembering victims; it is also a time to take action. We each have the opportunity and the responsibility to stand up against misogyny, sexism, and hate — and it starts with creating a culture of respect.
As well as commemorating the 14 young women whose lives ended in an act of gender-based violence that shocked the nation, December 6 represents an opportunity for Canadians to reflect on the fact that women in Canada, and around the world, continue to face disproportionate levels of violence each and every day.
It is also an opportunity to consider the women and girls for whom violence is a daily reality, and to remember those who have died as a result of gender-based violence. Finally, it is a day for communities to consider concrete actions to eliminate all forms of violence against women and girls.

In addition to the National Day of Remembrance and Action on Violence Against Women on December 6, the International Day for the Elimination of Violence Against Women takes place on November 25 and marks the first day of the 16 Days of Activism against Gender-Based Violence, which ends on December 10, with International Human Rights Day.

Monday, December 3, 2018